Monday, December 3, 2007

The Devil's Greatest Lie is Once Saved Always Saved

This message is by no means exhaustive in it's discourse on the doctrine of perseverance. It examines only one scriptural reference in refuting unconditional eternal security. However, this message does unmask the plot of Satan to lull the American church to sleep by sedating them with the heresy of once saved always saved. It is a sinister belief that must constantly amend the scriptures in order to defend it's position. It requires years of theological training in scriptural manipulation to believe in Calvinism. Whereas the common man given access to the word of God comes away from his study knowing beyond all academic maneuvering that one must endure, abide, and keep your hands firmly gripped to the plow handle of God.

Paul, unfortunately was not a Calvinist, he considered his greatest triumph to be, "I have kept the faith." Despite the overwhelming Biblical evidence that points to the necessity of continued perseverance thousands of preachers stand by the coffin's of blatant sinners and proclaim that they are in heaven. Their life and fruit are set aside because they prayed at a VBS and or were baptized by a traveling evangelist. The fruit of the this false teaching is a one time, no renewal fire insurance gospel. Our churches are inundated with people who do not have a clue what it means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are not even aware that there is an opportunity through the cross to know Him. The emphasis is placed on the birth not the life of the believer.

Rom 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. (TLB)

Jesus told the woman at the well that if you drink of the water that I speak of you will never thirst again. This is where the "once saved always saved" ends their study and draws the wrong conclusion. But Jesus went on to say that it will be a well springing up into everlasting life. Jesus didn't give us a drink-He gave us a well that we can continually drink from. Stop perpurtrating a theological crime upon the people of God. This liscense to a lukewarm walk must be revoked and the truth declared, "those that endure to the end the same shall be saved!" Backslider, your soul is at risk. Lukewarm preacher return to your first love or God will vomit you out. Stiff necked and hard hearted Deacon the flames of hell chase after thee. Run home to the Father's house where he awaits with open arms and he will declare, "this is my son which was dead and now he is alive again."

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