Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's a New Seaon

The Fall is going to be an incredible season for the body of Christ. Kentucky is one of the most beautiful states in the union during the fall. The color of the leaves seems to prophecy that is Harvest Time!
It does not take a Political Science major to tell that America is headed for monumental change. Of course, it doesn't take a Political Science major for much of anything. But, regardless of whether you a Democrat or a Republican both tickets represent a transition in the landscape of American politics.
My passion is not politics and my gift is not economics but when two storm fronts collide it means that tornadoes are in the forecast-mobile home beware. We are about to see a level of change like we have not seen since the 1960's. War, the economy, racial unrest are about to ignite America in a firestorm of rapid change. This is not to frighten anyone, I for one believe that much of this change is long overdue. I am simply stating the obvious.
While some may be alarmed about all this I am elated. I see an opportunity for REVIVAL. This is just what America needs to wake up. The church has slept through the last quarter of the twentieth century and is off to a rocky start in the twenty-first. This may be the best opportunity of our lifetime to lay in the sickle and gather the harvest. People are frightened by the political and economic scene. Forgive my frankness but is either parties presidential ticket a reflection of America's greatness or America's severe dysfunction. Does either on instill confidence of peace and prosperity. Let's face the facts, monumental change is coming and America is not ready for it. Fanny Crosby said it best, "in times like these we need an anchor, in times like these we need a savior." May god bless the mess that revealed my need for Jesus Christ.
I do feel a bit a chill in the air today. Change is coming. A season of harvest is on its way!
Revelations 14:15".., Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe."